The Carbon101 educational initiative was developed for GFA members by the Georgia Forestry Foundation and serves as a repository of trusted information for landowners and GFA members about carbon markets. In producing this content, we have worked with several carbon marketplace experts to gather information and develop video content. 

The tabs below will guide you through the core functions of the forest carbon market in the United States. You must be a GFA member to view this content. If you are not a member and would like to learn more, please contact Nick Diluzio (

Let's Get Started

Before we get into the nitty gritty details of the forest carbon market in Georgia, let’s establish a baseline by covering a few fundamentals related to forest carbon. The terminology in the menu below will help you grasp the structure of the forest carbon market, which is described in Section 2.


What is a Carbon Credit?

What is the difference between Sequestration and Storage?

What is a Carbon Offset Project?

What are Carbon Offset Project Types?


Carbon News Content

Questions? Drop us a Line!

We are here to support you in your forest carbon journey.
Call our office today at 478-992-8110 or contact Nick directly.

Nick DiLuzio

Vice President of Georgia Forestry Foundation