The Georgia Prescribed Fire Council invites you to attend our 2023 Statewide Annual Meeting.
An early bird registration discount is available through September 15th. The standard rate of $50 will apply from September 16th through the 20th when pre-registration closes. We will accommodate registration and payment at the door on the day of the event based on room and lunch catering capacity.
- $35 Early Rate (First 50 Registrants Receive a Free Hat)
- $50 Standard Rate, after Sept.15
- $10 Student Rate (sign up with your student email, please)
Registration includes catered breakfast and lunch.
Continuing Forestry Education credits and Master Timber Harvester credits will be available for those attending this meeting (hours TBD).
We encourage you to bring along another practitioner! Also, please help spread the word through your contacts about the meeting and our story of prescribed fire.
Agenda Preview
- Welcome and Overview of Ft. Moore – Ft. Moore Garrison Commander and Brent Widener
- The State of Fire in Georgia – Tim Lowrimore, Georgia Forestry Commission Director
- Growing Season Fire Benefits for Deer and Turkey – Dr. Will Gulsby, Ph.D Auburn University
- Where Can I Find Help? Private Lands Assistance and Initiatives – Panel: GFC, NRCS, Landowners
- How We Got Here – 20 Years of GPFC – Mark Melvin
- Beat the Heat: Fireline Medical Safety
- Prescribed Fire and Air Quality – Dr. James Boylan, Ph,D. GA EPD
- Preventing Transmission Line Damage – Georgia Power
- Upon adjournment, museum exhibits including “Last 100 Yards” Signature Exhibit is open to meeting attendees.