Platinum Sponsors

We Are More Than Trees

Rayonier (NYSE:RYN) is a leading timberland real estate investment trust with assets located in some of the most productive softwood timber growing regions in the United States and New Zealand.  We own or lease under long-term agreements approximately 2.7 million acres of timberlands. We also act as the managing member in a private equity timber fund business with three funds comprising approximately 141,000 acres. We are More than trees because we recognize that our 90+ years of success in the timberland industry comes from our people, an empowering culture and the courage to constantly challenge “the way it’s always been done.” Get to know us at

Telling the Forestry Story

Forestry is one of the most important answers to so many of the world’s problems: we provide the material for thousands of critical products, make the air cleaner, protect water quality. We are on the frontlines of guarding our nation’s endangered species, and we’re planning for the needs of generations that haven’t even been born yet.  We all have a role in making sure the world knows.  This is how we do our part.

Get to Know Us

It’s taken more than trees to make our company a success for nearly a century. Our forests are carefully planned long before the first seedling breaks through the soil. From the passion behind a theory proven true in our research division, to the reverence of a forester managing the same stands of trees for decades, to the persistence of our teams who look at those trees through different lenses, our people are what makes Rayonier stand the test of time. Get to know us at

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